Provides an optimal UniswapV2Pair Liquidity deposits and withdrawls with a single token / eth (or relevant native currency)
function constructor(
) public
function receive(
) external
function withdrawLiquidityAndSwap(
address pairAddress,
uint256 withdrawAmount,
address desiredToken,
uint256 desiredTokenOutMin
) external returns (uint256 amountOut)
Removes liquidity from an ERC-20⇄ERC-20 pool into a single token / ETH . msg.sender should have already given the zapper an allowance of at least liquidity on the pool.
Name | Type | Description |
pairAddress | address | Address of V2 pool |
withdrawAmount | uint256 | Amount of liquidity to withdraw |
desiredToken | address | Withdrawl token desired |
desiredTokenOutMin | uint256 | Minimum amount of total desiredToken, can be 0 |
Return Values:
Type | Description |
uint256 | amountOut Amount of desiredToken received |
function swapAndStakeLiquidity(
address tokenA,
address tokenB,
uint256 amountA,
uint256 amountBMin
) external returns (uint256 liquidity)
/ @notice Adds liquidity to an ERC-20⇄ERC-20 pool from a single token. msg.sender should have already given the router an allowance of at least amountA on tokenA
Name | Type | Description |
tokenA | address | Token in pool |
tokenB | address | Token in pool |
amountA | uint256 | Amount of token A desired to add to pool, inclusive of swap half to tokenB |
amountBMin | uint256 | Minimum amount of token B on swap, can be 0 |
Return Values:
Type | Description |
uint256 | liquidity amount of liquidity token received, sent to msg.sender |
function swapETHAndStakeLiquidity(
address tokenB,
uint256 amountBMin
) external returns (uint256 liquidity)
Adds liquidity to an ERC-20⇄ERC-20 pool from eth. msg.value is treated as a amountETHDesired. Leftover ETH, if any, is returned to msg.sender
Name | Type | Description |
tokenB | address | Token in pool |
amountBMin | uint256 | Minimum amount of token B on swap, can be 0 |
Return Values:
Type | Description |
uint256 | liquidity amount of liquidity token received, sent to msg.sender |